Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bigots and Impotency

fuck raj thackeray

fuck the impotent government who lacks the balls to put assholes like RT behind the bars

fuck the fundamentalists (hindus, muslims, sikhs, all of them) for fucking with other people's fundamental rights

fuck all the politicians for not condemning actions of people like RT, for all those fuckers have used this regional/religion card at some point or the other to fucking boost their votefuckingbank

fuck all the good for nothing people who don't have a fucking iota of brain, and do the dirty work for these motherfucking pigs

fuck all the good for nothing bigots who are so fucking jealous of other people's accomplishments that they start issuing fatwas, or whatever its hindu counterpart is called

fuck the judicial system to assist these sick politician fucks in their dirty games and let them get away with it

no...fuck yourself for sitting right there and let these fuckers rape and molest your country, to fuck with the basic principles on which our country is based

fuck yourself for being such a sucker, reaping benefits of this country's free atmosphere, getting a fat paycheck at the end of month, eating fucking popkorns while watching your TV or reading somebody else's blog and criticizing and making fucking suggestions like a pussy


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