Well u might be wondering what a weirdo topic for a blog, don't mistake me for a nerd, I'm just another clone, yes u got me absolutely right I'm a clone, not in a literal sense of the word...[:-)].
So, let me get on with explanantion part(boy i'm bad at this).
How in name of god's name am I a clone taking the fact that I'm a perfectly biological child??
Well u might be wondering what a weirdo topic for a blog, don't mistake me for a nerd, I'm just another clone, yes u got me absolutely right I'm a clone, not in a literal sense of the word...[:-)].
So, let me get on with explanantion part(boy i'm bad at this).
How in name of god's name am I a clone taking the fact that I'm a perfectly biological child?? To start with I'm a computer Engineer(does it ring ne bells!!!) ofcourse from a reputed Indian coll(everbody passes out from a reputed coll these days...ha ha), working in one of India's husty-busty cities it can be ne of B'lore, Hyd, Chennai, Mumbai, or in my case it happens to be Noida, and working in a reputed Software Company(again everybody works in a reputed company these days). Well one'ld say that I'm some part human, when Iwas in b"lore I was a living marvel of modern science...a CLONE!!!. every where I used to go, i'ld find my brothers (I wish had there been more of ...[:P]) scattered everywhere bookstores, malls, coffe-houses evrywhere(u must have noticed a clonish feature in me from my choice of places)....
U must be thinking that this guy is another of those frustu engg guys, who have got a better life than majority of their contemporaries, and inspite of recognizing this fact this guys is bitching, then u got my point. why is everybody thinking the same way these days??? what is this blind rush all about??? Of-course this blind rush gets some money into pockets..but is that the only thing that matters???
Wherever i go i find the same type of guys, as if somebody is changing just the moulds....same type of thinking, same type of discussions(a lot of them revolve around......(ya u got this part!!!)), everybody is talking of breaking free from the mould, but we are just talking..when will the action start??? well i'm not concerned about others, I just don't wanna be a clone anymore when'll i break free?? ha break free!!!, soon after publishing this post I'll be back to normally what i'm best at doing..i.e. being a clone
May be u don't agree to what I've written here, but who reads blogs?? but if u do happen to fall upon this one then express ur disagreements...there's a comment portion..[:-)] ..
So, let me get on with explanantion part(boy i'm bad at this).
How in name of god's name am I a clone taking the fact that I'm a perfectly biological child??
Well u might be wondering what a weirdo topic for a blog, don't mistake me for a nerd, I'm just another clone, yes u got me absolutely right I'm a clone, not in a literal sense of the word...[:-)].
So, let me get on with explanantion part(boy i'm bad at this).
How in name of god's name am I a clone taking the fact that I'm a perfectly biological child?? To start with I'm a computer Engineer(does it ring ne bells!!!) ofcourse from a reputed Indian coll(everbody passes out from a reputed coll these days...ha ha), working in one of India's husty-busty cities it can be ne of B'lore, Hyd, Chennai, Mumbai, or in my case it happens to be Noida, and working in a reputed Software Company(again everybody works in a reputed company these days). Well one'ld say that I'm some part human, when Iwas in b"lore I was a living marvel of modern science...a CLONE!!!. every where I used to go, i'ld find my brothers (I wish had there been more of ...[:P]) scattered everywhere bookstores, malls, coffe-houses evrywhere(u must have noticed a clonish feature in me from my choice of places)....
U must be thinking that this guy is another of those frustu engg guys, who have got a better life than majority of their contemporaries, and inspite of recognizing this fact this guys is bitching, then u got my point. why is everybody thinking the same way these days??? what is this blind rush all about??? Of-course this blind rush gets some money into pockets..but is that the only thing that matters???
Wherever i go i find the same type of guys, as if somebody is changing just the moulds....same type of thinking, same type of discussions(a lot of them revolve around......(ya u got this part!!!)), everybody is talking of breaking free from the mould, but we are just talking..when will the action start??? well i'm not concerned about others, I just don't wanna be a clone anymore when'll i break free?? ha break free!!!, soon after publishing this post I'll be back to normally what i'm best at doing..i.e. being a clone
May be u don't agree to what I've written here, but who reads blogs?? but if u do happen to fall upon this one then express ur disagreements...there's a comment portion..[:-)] ..
be happy ...
u have me as the first subscriber of your blog :)
Dont really read blogs..but what the heck i hv no work this morning..agree with most of your comments there..agree that we have become commodities..each one trying to better the other..every place same ppl same discussions..its not that we have become like this all of a sudden..its more due to our "PAST CONDITIONING" the way we have been brought up and i am speaking this typically in the indian context.
I mean we are too risk averse..always on the backfoot..that is why from childhood we are groomed to study well..get into a good college and eventually get a good job..any body meandering from this protocol is branded a "looser". so you see its all in the subconcious..FEAR..
Ever wondered how humans have been able to tame elephants when the latter can easily outpower us..simple..they are tamed while they are young.and when they grow up they never realize their potential..all because in the childhood they were conditioned to think they can't..
similary we are all like 1500 cc bikes utilizing only 500cc's :-))
so the day we all break our past conditioning we will be able to come out of this mould and stop thinking on those lines..and yes there is nothing demeaning about doing a coding job..and as you said what is the big deal..everyone is from a good college..there is no reason why we cant take PRIDE in that fact..why should we look apologetic when we tell ppl we are from DCE or XYZ even though they may not be the best col..any reason behind underestimating our worth..agreed its easier said than done..but lets not be like the elephant who did not know he can easily run away to the jungle :-)
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