Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Yes I’m full of venom presently. Why are ppl so rude, so unthankful?? And why the hell do they behave like leaches and just seek opportunity to take advantage of others, or use them?? Well, if this is the way of world then who is foolish?? Of course the person who has manners, who is being used and it is this person only who ends up getting frustrated by other’s actions. Ppl don’t even observe as to how rude and how mean they can get, they keep on acting as if everything is normal, yes for them its is but not for me, I observe the rudeness, and it drives me crazy. I feel like hitting them in their faces, but I am too good a guy to do that, and I hate myself for being so. Why can’t I be like others??

But the truth is I can’t, so what’s the solution?? Surely not getting frustrated I’m left with two options..

1) minimize my interaction with others to as less as it can get

2) give such type of person a nice punch I his face next time

its really a dilemna


Unknown said...

"Why can’t I be like others??",... but you just wrote before this that you are.. "just another clone"

anshul said...

waiting for a better "third solution"